Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My friends: Shoko and Kaden (some photoshop fun)

I decided to do an new project. My goal with this project is to photograph my friends in their personal spaces. Specifically engaged with a part of their lives that's especially important to them. There are a number of reasons why I've decided to do this... but instead of pouring my heart out I'll just get to the good stuff.

So far in this blog for the most part I've really focused on the "lighting" aspect of photography and the more commercial aspects of it as well. There is however another part of photography that in this "day and age" I can't ignore... Photoshop.

If you want to learn photoshop and/or learn photographic lighting we can talk but I've decided that that is not what my blog is going be a platform for. Excuse the amateur bloging up to this far but I'm still "looking for my voice" as my art teachers would say. Anyway what your about to see is simply what I think are the best photos I took of my friend Shoko with her new four month old baby boy Kaden.

Photoshop is something that any photographer can't live without and I thought that this would be a great way to show how you can take some really great photographs and take them to another level. When I think of baby (professional) photos they always have that look (photoshop) that makes the viewer really focus on the baby so this is just my attempt at it. Enjoy!

So what I'm doing is pairing them off and just giving you the "normal" photo and then the "shopped" photo so you can see the difference.

Pretty crazy huh?

This is probably my favorite because all I could (can) think of when I look at this picture is "hey that's a foot... awesome!"

I really tried with these photos to get that "mommy" feel. I wanted to capture the real moments (or at least look like) that happens between a baby and mother.

The photoshop doesn't capture that. In some ways I feel like the photoshop can kind of make one loose perspective of that. But also I think if done right (or just with a little care) that you can use photoshop to emphasize that.

This one is cool because it feels really intimate.

Also I like the emphasis on the wedding ring that represents so much of what that baby means to my friend and her husband.

Bottom line this was a lot of fun. This kind of photography is in no way my "forte" but it felt good trying something new and hanging out with my buddy Shoko.

1 comment:

kadenbuddy said...

I love all the pics. I enjoyed both of original and photoshop effect pictures. You are amazing. It is such a wonderful job!! Thank you Andrew for the fun time and beautiful pictures. Ya, I do look like Mom for sure! I showed these pictures to Kaden, and he was staring at them. I'm sure he recognized himself and Mommy on the screen.